Engineering Services Support
TSI Federal provides engineering and information technology services ranging from project management for the Ares rocket to component test plans to engineering documentation. TSI Federal provides IT consulting/staffing services to clients in different business segments. Our services are delivered to optimize the clients’ effectiveness through a proper mix of internal staff, consulting staff, and project outsourcing. We can fill the immediate need for skilled developers, testers, business analysts and project managers on a contract, contract-to-hire, or permanent basis. Our information technology support ranges from real-time and application testing to Oracle development to database administration to help desk support. Engineering and technical services TSI Federal provides include:

- Audio-Visual System Design, Installation and Maintenance
- Bio, Health and Laboratory Informatics
- Configuration Management
- Database Development and Maintenance
- Demographic, Economic and Statistical Analysis
- Educational IT Support
- Full Lifecycle Development
- Helpdesk Support
- Information/Knowledge Management
- Modeling and Simulation Support
- Network Design and Installation
- Network/Server Administration
- Software Development
- Software Testing
- Systems Analysis and Integration
- Website Development and Management
- 508 Compliance